mine too
hell my father was a dictator
and still is
smacked my little orphan ass
bitches at the nurses in the ER
voted Trump
voted Bush thrice
voted Reagan
hates "Democrats"
watches Fox News
fears gays and thinks they are all pedos
has never spoken to a Jew but hates Iran and supports Israel
wears a MAGA hat
drives a bus full of disabled kids but doesn't know why i'm concerned about medicaid being cut "Why do you care about that program?"
likes his meat red and his gas leaded
cleans his glock
thinks ice cores are made up
goes to bible study and must forget all the teachings
listens to his jazz records
likes action films but not that woke star trek show
says I have TDS when I send him a meme like this one
I have no idea who made this meme. If you have a problem with me using it and can prove ownership, go ahead and drop me a line and I’ll pick one of the 36 trillion others.
The source material for this poem originally appeared in the comment section of a Reddit post entitled “My Father Supports a Dictator” which included an image of a text messaging exchange presumably featuring a brief conversation between the poster and his father, two U.S. citizens. The poster’s father appeared to be defending a pro-Russian pro-Trump stance, accusing “Zolinskys wife” of spending US military aid funds on a “million dollar shopping spree in Paris” possibly based on the deepfake video depicting Olena Zelenska purchasing a 4.8 million luxury car Bugatti.