Putin broke the treaty
Russia is the aggressor
Zelenskyy; a real tough leader
Putin is insane and his people know it
Trump is a miscreant
Lady liberty lies in a pool of male urine
The boomer world leaders will all be dead or dying by 2034
Leaving scraps for Gen X Y Z
The source material for this poem originally appeared in the comment section of a Reddit post entitled “My Father Supports a Dictator” which included an image of a text messaging exchange presumably featuring a brief conversation between the poster and his father, two U.S. citizens. The poster’s father appeared to be defending a pro-Russian pro-Trump stance, accusing “Zolinskys wife” of spending US military aid funds on a “million dollar shopping spree in Paris” possibly based on the deepfake video depicting Olena Zelenska purchasing a 4.8 million luxury car Bugatti.
This substack post accompanies an image of President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, his official portrait courtesy President.gov.ua and is licensed CCA 4.0 International